I haven't posted to this blog for a VERY long time. Meanwhile, I was monitoring the hits to this site. I have an average of 2 visitors per day, even without anything new in here! The referral logs show that most of them are from search engines that somehow find random words in my blog matching very odd search queries.
For example, there's this person searching for "murga punishments"! I won't hazard a guess to why he needs this information, but the fact is that he keeps hitting my site every so often. Of course, I absolutely decline to post anything that might interest him here.
Then there are the poor souls trying to find drivers for the M6805. The drivers are all there on the DVD that came with the system, and are probably available on many places on the web too. If you need anything specific, leave a comment and I'll try to help. If you need video drivers for the Mobility Radeon 9600, they are not there on the ATi website. ATi wants you to download them from your system manufacturer's site, and of course they are not there on emachine's site. The normal 9600 drivers from ATi's site don't work. You can try the Omega drivers instead, just google for "Omega drivers ATi", you can't miss it.
Finally, I did see a few people redirected from Veera's blog. Since the time I stopped writing here and started posting random links (and then stopped that too), I've seen that my friends' blogs are collecting a small but loyal readership. The key is certainly frequent updates, but I'm not motivated enough to do that unless I know I have readers and I won't have readers unless I update, etc.
Good god! what mess is this!..first i thought i've been redirected to Google..:-)
btw, nice template!(it takes some time to get used to..especially white background ones..)
Yeah, there seem to be too many blogs with odd coloured backgrounds nowadays!
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