Sep 28, 2006


There is an AC Neilson survey on consumer optimism and confidence and opinions and other such things , the results of which have just been released. Indians are the most optimistic consumers, world index is at 98, India is at 131, Asia-Pac at 94, blah, blah and more blah. India this and India that. And how many people from India were polled? 506. Uh, oh, it's an ONLINE survey. Nice. And they have drawn conclusions about the country's consumer base from these 506 people who they found online. And they have published the results. And news outlets have picked up these reports and put them up for all to see, no doubt with optimistic headlines like "Indian consumers most optimistic" etc.

Art, especially the abstract painting type

What's the common thread running through all these?

1 comment:

chaos said...

500 odd ppf from India!!! and the they just generalized it!!! guess they took stats literally where a population size of 30+ can be taken as a reasonable size (but definitely not fit for this scenario)...