... methinks, to reflect upon the year gone by when a new one dawns. I won't go into whether it's altogether a good thing to do or not, because for most people, looking into the past merely helps them to create a list of things they could have done.
Me? Looking back into the past is like reading a book. For the second time. You already know what's going to happen when you turn the page. But sometimes you get an insight that you missed before, or better understand the motives of the villian, and sometimes you think you could even write a book about your own life!
Another year came and went and another one just like it has started. It too will pass. Will life change? Certainly. For the better? Hopefully.
i can't resist myself... were you able to identify your villians ... and if you were... were you able to understand them better... and moreover did you take steps to get over them... (i am sure you must hv done latter if you did the first!)
what crap is this..
philosophy..huh? leave that to the innovators and enjoy the life, ok?
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