The doctor has a greater gravitational pull on a newborn baby than does
Mars. The doctor's cell phone has a greater impact on the magnetic
field around a same baby than does Jupiter.
Another thing I never understood is why the planets would affect me any differently than they would affect anyone else. Why would the fact that the planets were aligned in a given manner at the time of my birth affect me in the present? If it's gravity or magentic fields or anything else that the planets have that affects humans, it should apply to everyone equally at this point in time. Any opinions?
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1 comment:
scietifically yes... it does have an effect on the person... may be tiny bit... which we'll prob ignore... but think of this.. for any two object, the force (both G and M) depends on the size and distance... so while birth - your location and time defines the astro location and it's respective force ... tht's what the astro science is based on ... meaning two kids born on same lattitude / longitude at a same time will have almost similar behavior... (theoretically)... however a little difference in any of the rerquired parameters would change the config! ... today since the exact location is generally not taken and an approximation is taken - which results in loads of errors in approximation ...
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