Nov 2, 2005

Bangalore and the IT industry

I managed to see an NDTV programme on this topic. And I found it funny. All these politicians and CEOs and theatre personalities and historians going on about how IT is not the only industry in the city and that the common man has not benefited by the boom and how culture is being neglected and how it was the previous government's fault and so on and on and on.

For me the point is very simple. Is the road in front of my house full of potholes? Yes (in fact it hasn't been relaid for 3 years I would guess, ever since I moved in there). Is Airport Road congested? Yes. Is the flyover still unfinished? Yes. Is the international airport still in the works? Yes. Is public transport still woeful? Yes.

Where does IT come into the picture here?

If the local guv'mint thinks that there are too many people coming into the city and that there is a strain on the infrastructure, they should stop that influx; and not allow more companies to set up shop, and not allow expansion of existing companies. Tell Wipro and Infy to go away. Problem solved.

Why does the presence or otherwise of any particular industry prevent the guv'mint from building roads that don't vanish in the first rains? Or from cleaning up the drains? Or providing good public transport?

Another comment: *some* politicians should really learn to speak with a bit less arrogance. Or perhaps that is the difference between 'successful' leaders and the rest of us - they think the world revolves around them while we know it doesn't.

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