Nov 9, 2005

Bloggers' meet?

There was a Delhi bloggers' meet sometime ago, it seems. The TOI claims there were only 4 people who turned up, including the organizer.

Question is, who organizes these 'meets'? Where do they put up the information that something like this is going to happen? I could be thought of as belonging to Delhi, and I had no clue that these people exist, leave alone that they are organizing a bloggers' meet. Not that I could have made it even if I knew about it.

But then, I'm not a REAL blogger, am I? Real bloggers have massive readerships and have 'popular' blogs (means the same thing, no?). Real bloggers take on the MSM (main stream media, it seems) and write passionately about issues that affect the lives of everyone. Real blogging is an alternative to the MSM! Real blogging should maintain standards of ethical journalism.

I think I should shut shop and crawl into a hole somewhere (some might say that's where I belong anyway, but we'll let that pass). When did my personal log on the web get hijacked by journalism? When did the fact that I put some content on the web force me to join a 'community' of bloggers? A blogosphere? Gimme a break. Dedicated readership? Gimme another break! Where do these people find the time to go around reading so many blogs and commenting and discussing about them?

And now people have started complaining that bloggers are mostly IT professionals and that blogging has not reached down to the common man! Excuse me, but since when does the common man have the time, money and inclination to purchase a computer, leave alone getting on the web by paying through his nose and then figuring out how to put up a blog?

Oh, before I forget, let's organize a Noida bloggers' meet...

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