Average starting salaries for college grads are up - Apr. 19, 2005
This is for US colleges, of course. I wonder if similar data exists for Indian colleges and if it's available on the web somewhere. Please point me to it, if you know.
We (a couple of friends and I) were having a discussion the other day about how starting salaries for freshers (that's our term for people just out of college, starting their first job) have been changing. My observation was that they may have increased a bit since the time I was in the market, but not by too much. But the freshers have become too demanding, and they expect figures that are too high. Comments?
1 comment:
there are three things that are ruling todays campus placements (UG/PG) - Demand, Supply and BRAND
the basic is that d4emand for good candidates is way to high than the supply - however, those who have some brand value (most of the MNCs) are able to dictate/ negotiate the salary and terms... for others... if you need people you need to give an offer not to be denied... and for students... if you are getting fatter pay for the same sh*t... why not!
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