Apr 2, 2006


No, not the ones in which babies are meant to spend time in. Complaints just doesn't sound as cool as cribs.

Why is it that nobody I come across seems happy? They may have their ups and downs, but they mostly seem vaguely dissatisfied if not actively unhappy. Is it because we set expectations too high? Or because we see good things happening to other people and wonder why w have been left behind in the dust? The realization that life could have been so much better had things gone a bit differently... if only my luck had been a bit better, if only I had worked a bit harder, if only I had taken that risk, if only people around me weren't such losers... I could have lived an entirely different life!

But it's a sad state of affairs when I have to go around telling people to lower their expectations so that they can be happy.

1 comment:

chaos said...

we see things and then we desire...
the wish list has no ends... and then we see ourselves... rather compare ourselves... our efforts... and thus find ourselves in disgrace of situations... "where the hell did we go wrong"...

latest crib... a 2005 batch mba grad (no prior work ex) - moves from my co to some other company with 60+% hike!!!!!