Jun 13, 2005


... of the Sith. Saw it this weekend. I was looking forward to ... hold your breath for this one... General Grievous. And he did not disappoint.

Here's a link: http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/generalgrievous/

It was a good enough movie overall, for someone who's not a fanatical fan of the series. It was a pain in the neck to watch it from the front row though. And as usual, there were a bunch of idiots who refused to turn their cellphone ringers off, and also answered calls in the middle of the movie.

Also helped a friend to move to his new place in Bangalore (he's recently returned from Mumbai). Only to find out that another single software pro in the same building was robbed blind by some guy who climbed up to the first floor, opened the windows, stuck his hand in and opened the door, and cleaned out the house while this guy was fast asleep. Took everything he could lay his hands on, including the toothbrush.

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