Dec 25, 2005


In between compiles and runs I was looking up some sites on the FSM (something that I wanted to do for months, but never had the time), and I came across this: which I found interesting because of some comments by people who seem to be supporters of the Bible (ironic that I should be writing about it today, of all days). My problem isn't with these people, but with the fact that they accept the Bible as fact. Quote: "The Bible even says that God created man to have an intimate relationship with Him. Man was created in His own image and were made to worship Him." and "As it stands now, Bible is infallible". Then it all comes down to a "my book is better than your book" kind of contest, and neither of us know who wrote our particular books and have no way of verifying anything written in them. For example this probably existed long before the other books did, and this is supposed to be the oldest story ever told. Maybe a few thousand years hence someone will find a preserved copy of Harry Potter and deduce how humans lived in the 21st century, while assuming the book to be factual history...

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