... better to do.
It takes me back several years (6.5, to be precise), when I had just joined my first job. A lot of us young people would come to the office on weekends and other holidays. Because we had nothing better to do. It was a fun thing too, talking and joking with friends, perhaps going out for lunch, playing pranks, and table tennis, and having very serious discussions about life.
The end of December 2005 finds me in the same situation all over again. In the office on weekends because I have nothing better to do. Yet, this is different. The office is deserted. All the young people are doing things, going places. The only sound here is the fan in my Xeon machine running for all it's worth. Lunch? In the cafeteria, alone and in silence. The security guards are surprised to see me walk in on holidays, seems like this is simply not done out here. Browse some sites, write a little code, drink a lot of coffee, ramble on the blog and go home... for the weekly pizza. What would people a generation or two back think about this lifestyle? Would they be shocked and say "get a life"? Or would they be happy that I'm not getting into any trouble and am being a "good boy"?
go shopping.
>>All the young people are doing things, going places.
you're talking as if you dont belong to them..u r a alien may be..but sometime u have to become naturalized..
i hate that single life where u hardly interact with anyone other than office work..long solo hours..house in bad shape 'cos noone except me there..
whats the solution..lot of people give lot of advice..mm..some activity..like learning french..its been there on my late for a long time..go for trips with bikies..or just go very very long cycle ride like this guy http://www.shreekumar.in/wordpress/
"The history of free men is never really written by chance
but by choice; their choice!"
(veera looks back at what he has commented..oh god..what happened to me??)
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