Feb 5, 2006

Hearing loss

Apple's being sued for causing hearing loss. No, not really. It's being sued for not putting warnings about the fact that listening to extremely loud sounds can cause hearing loss and that its iPod is capable of outputting such sounds.

I find it very strange that people have this idea of pinning their own defects on someone else. If you cannot tell that very loud sounds are not a good idea, YOU are defective. Apple's not forcing you to listen to anything, leave alone loud sounds. I can understand that it's Apple's fault if their devices randomly throw out very loud sounds, or if their earbuds explode for no reason at all, or if touching the click wheel causes cancer. If this trend goes on, I can imagine that the bulk of the cost of any device would be the stickers on it about warning idiots how not to operate it. There probably wouldn't be enough space for all the stickers, so they'll probably come with encyclopedias of warnings next... and some idiot will sue the company because the warnings book was too heavy and it could have hurt his back and that it should come with a sticker saying that lifting warning manuals could be dangerous.

Hmm... maybe I can try running my iPod under water. I'll bet there's no warning about not using iPods underwater, or under zero-G or in a vacuum. Maybe I could make a lot of money suing every company in the US. :) Or maybe not. Some idiot probably already has a patent on doing that.

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