Feb 15, 2006

Microsoft driver bug saps Core Duo power | TG Daily

Microsoft driver bug saps Core Duo power | TG Daily

In a nutshell, a bug in the ACPI driver supplied by Microsoft causes power to be drained if devices are left connected to a USB port. This happens for the Napa platform with Core Duo processors.

Quoting from the article:
"While the Sonoma notebook only lost 17 minutes of battery running time (2:51 total) with the drive connected, the Core Duo notebook's running time decreased by a stunning 76 minutes (3:08 total). In short, the power drain from the device attached to the Napa system reduced running time by 347% (76 minutes / 17 minutes) of the power drain for the same device attached to the Sonoma system. With a USB device connected, the Napa notebook with the USB device connected ran only 8% longer than the Sonoma rig."


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